Getting started

Hello, I am Grimten and this is devlog #1 of Snow Trains. Since my birthday was this week (specifically on the 8th) I took the week off, so that allows me to catch up on the devlogs. In this devlog I will tell you how the beginning of the game works. Once you start a new save you are greeted with a map of the local area, you will choose one of three locations to go to, then you will go there. That is the entire beginning part of the game. The reason why it is so short is because it is only the tutorial.  In the tutorial the player will learn how to build budlings, keep track of multiple tasks, and that you can place your budlings wherever you like.  Although I will most likely redo this part in the future, it is still good to have a base for the game to grow off of. That's it for now and I might see you next week, bye! 

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